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Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom

Dunstan Kalumba Ministries is  a global outreach ministry that spreads the good news of the Kingdom of God across the United States Of America and the rest of the world .

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In the year 1991 Dunstan Kalumba heard the call OfGod to preach the gospel of Jesus to nations, and it was at this time he set out to for training at Victory Bible college in Kitwe, Zambia at the age of 21 , after his graduation from college he worked as an assistant Pastor for few years until he left Zambia for missionary work in Namibia , Angola and other parts of Southern Africa.

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Books & Libraries

kalumba - deadly poisons

The Deadly Poisons of the Heart

Toxins in your heart could be destroying your life! Our bodies are designed by God to eliminate toxins from the food we eat and keep only the needed nutrients through the filtration systems of our kidneys. If the kidneys cannot function, a person can get high levels of a buildup of chemicals, toxins, and acids which eventually poison the blood and can lead to death. The Heart of a Man in the Bible is considered a wellspring of life. When the Bible is talking about the heart it is talking about your soul. Your inner man or your "heart" is where most of your thoughts and memories are stored. Your actions come from what is in your heart. In fact, Proverbs 23:7 says, "As a man thinks in his heart so is he" (KJV). From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks Jesus said in Matthew 2:34. In this case, what you feed your soul or heart and what you allow to come in can be deadly to your heart. As much as we care about what we feed our bodies, we need to be careful about what goes in our hearts. This book is designed to help you eliminate toxins from your heart

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